Carl Willis

Blogging for Network Marketers Step 1 – What’s the address?

So you’ve decided it is time to claim your piece of virtual real estate, from where you will coordinate all of your online efforts.   Now it is time to choose the location for your network blog.   In cyberspace, your street address is your domain.

Your domain choice is very critical to your marketing efforts.  Telling people I live at is not very appetizing to your prospects, neither is   There are basically two routes you should be taking with your domain:

  • It should either contain the keyword or felt need you are meeting (ie:,
  • or, it should brand you as the individual (ie: ; )

You want your to be easily remembered and relevant to you and your field of expertise.

Domain purchases are easily done through Go Daddy.  They tend to be the most cost efficient domain registrar and they will also allow you to build additional features to your domain purchase if you so choose.

Go Daddy offers a search feature and offers additional suggestions if your of choice is taken.   When you purchase your domain, be sure and opt for private registration as it will cut down on unwanted spam and solicitations.

Tomorrow I will get into the actual blogging platform that you may want to use in building your online marketing machine.