Carl Willis

It’s All About Building Relationships

Contrary to popular belief, is not the art of in its form is the ability to build relationships.  Relationships are not built instantaneously, but instead are cultivated and nurtured over time.

Every successful marketer has had that “aha” when they realized that the only product that matters is “you.”  When “you” become a trusted resource in the life of someone else, they will allow “you” to make recommendations.  Since “you” have proven reliable and trustworthy throughout the relationship, those individuals find confidence in acting upon “your” decisions.

Trust is not earned by barraging your prospects with products at every turn.   Trust is earned by giving away nuggets of yourself.  Free morsels of wisdom given with conviction pave the way to profitable interactions later on.

Building relationship expands your horizons.  Allowing you to present opportunities to a group of individuals on a repeated and ongoing basis.   As I continue to share insights with you, you will hear me talk often about “relationship building.”  There is in fact no greater concept that you need to latch on to, if your efforts are to be successful.

Remember, even in today’s technologically advanced world, people still prefer to do business with “someone they trust.”