Carl Willis

Attraction Marketing Saves One Man’s Network Marketing Business

Last week a very practical lesson on attraction marketing in your network marketing unfolded before my eyes.  I have talked many times about the importance of personal branding as a fundamental necessity in building your network marketing or affiliate marketing .   The scenario I’m going to describe to you helps underscore the point in a very powerful way.

Last week a colleague of mine received a phone from the head of his network marketing company.   The phone call was to inform him that the company was discontinuing their network marketing distribution channel, effective immediately.   This could have been devastating news to my colleague, who is one of the top producers for this particular network marketing company.   The decision by his company was not only going to affect him, but it would also affect his substantial downline.

Fortunately my colleague is an expert practitioner in personal branding.   He has added great value to the lives and businesses of those in his organization, and they trust him wholeheartedly.    My colleague set up a series of conference calls on a round the clock, every 2 hour time frame, to make contact with his downline distributors around the world.   In this conference call he explained the company’s decision and he also detailed where he would be taking his and team.   The result:  In 4 short hours this marketer and 60 marketers in his downline had joined with another network marketing company…not missing a step.  The team is just as strong as it ever was and the will continue to grow.

The lesson of this is critical.  Had my colleague not focused on personal branding, he and everyone else would have had to start over from square one with the new system.   But my colleague has developed his own system, that works with any company….all he had to do was work the system he had already put in place.

If you are not focused on personal branding in your marketing efforts you are making a serious mistake.   Learn from the actions of this top level marketer and build your business around you….not a product or company.