Carl Willis

Nicole Cooper MLM Inspiration Story

Nicole Cooper MLM Inspiration Story

Nicole Cooper has quickly become one of my favorite MLM success stories.  Nicole is a gifted entrepreneur who has allowed her life experiences to shape her into a dynamic leader.   Today I wanted to share the Nicole Cooper MLM story with you in hopes that you will find inspiration for your business.

Nicole Cooper’s Background

Nicole’s background was in real estate sales and she describes herself as having always been very entrepreneurial in her ways and thinking.   Unfortunately like many, Nicole was devastated by the burst of the housing bubble over the past few years.   She watched as her 5 figure monthly income quickly evaporated and her life began to take a downward spiral.   By the time it was all said and done Nicole and her family had lost their vehicles, their home and filed for bankruptcy.   Nicole found herself homeless, pregnant and on welfare looking for a way to rebuild her life.

It was during this time that Nicole discovered network .   She had run from those who had pursued her in the past, but as often is the case, a change in circumstance has a great way of causing us to re-evaluate our course of action.   Nicole began for ways to make money online from home.   During this time she came across a woman who would ultimately become her mentor and began to follow her steps in the world of internet .   Part of this process was stepping into the world of MyLeadSystemPro.   Nicole began to devour the weekly training sessions and the training resources in the MLSP back office.  She did this for nearly 5 months before taking the plunge into a network business.

Nicole Cooper Enters the World of MLM

Nicole called up a man who had approached her with a business opportunity on several occasions and launched her business with no opportunity meeting and no fanfare.   Over the next few months, Nicole made the fastest ascent in the MLSP leader boards, reaching the L4 leadership level in a shorter period of time than any other L4 leader.

This rocket launch translated into 10,000 new distributors being added to the downline of her primary business and over $100,000 of commissions being earned.   Now this is the stunning part, she did this in 10 months and she has never spent a dime on paid advertising.   It is also important to note that her business empire was built while she and her family were living  with another family member.

Her primary weapons of choice are video and social media.   Rarely will Nicole Cooper be found without her video camera close by.   She has learned to brand herself using the ebb and flow of everyday life.  Nicole has built upon her rapid success, by sharpening her skills as a leaders.  She realizes that her ability to lead and inspire are critical to her long term success.

I wanted to share the Nicole Cooper MLM journey with you, because it reminds us that no matter where you find yourself, your circumstances do not dictate who you are or what you can accomplish.