Carl Willis

Why Having A Blog Is Better Than Having A Website

having a blog
having a blog

Why Having A Blog Is Better Than Having A Website

For a number of years, businesses have relied on websites. Things have changed greatly in recent yours and now more than ever individuals are hosting their own personal ‘websites’, by having a blog. More than 17 million blogs are currently registered, with new blogs being created each and every day.  I wanted to quickly give you 7 basic reason why “having a blog” is better than having a website.

7 Reasons Why Having A Blog Is Better

    1. Blogs can be set up very easily!  A WordPress blog can be installed in a matter of minutes.  Even better is the fact that you don’t have to be tech guru to get this done.  There is no programming or coding that needs to be done, since the core files are already in place. You can easily find a wide range of pre-made designs, called themes.  Many of these themes are even free!  The WordPress dashboard is extremely friendly to both novice and advanced users alike.  Getting started is as simple as logging in and adding your content.  Managing your pages, categories, and comments is incredibly simple, since the blog platform does the difficult technical for you. You simply add your content and manage your site in a way that best suits you!
    2. Interacting with readers! When someone visits your blog and wants to express their opinion, they can share it through the commenting feature.  You’ll become acquainted with your frequent visitors, and will typically respond to their posted comments.  This dialogue can be continued through additional comments or through email.  When comments are being left regarding a particular topic, it causes other visitors stop and take notice of  the activity that is going on at your blog!  Comments should always be welcomed and encouraged!
    3. Blogs are typically more Engine Friendly than standard websites.  Each time a blog is updated, the engine bot will crawl your site to index the new content into the engine.  With a blog, your content can be optimized.  By linking your pages to one another, you provide the search engine bot with more options to crawl.  This is particularly useful when targeting a specific keyword or key phrase.  You can install plugins like ‘All In One SEO Pack’  and SEO Pressor to assist you with your search engine optimization.

  1. Blogs enjoy greater popularity on social media sites than traditional websites.  Because of the sense of community that has developed online, readers are more apt to share your best content on their favorite social media sites.  Not only do readers interact with bloggers, but bloggers also tend to interact with other bloggers and syndicate (share) content they find valuable. There are numerous plugins available that make it easy for your reader to share your content on their favorite social media sites.
  2. Using an RSS feed, readers can subscribe to their favorite blogs.  RSS stands for ‘Real Simple Syndication’.  When a reader subscribes to your RSS feed, your content is delivered directly to their email using a feed.  This means your reader is among the first to know when you post new content, and they will often visit your site as a result. This continued readership creates loyalty with the reader.  On a standard website, there typically is very little new content, so the reader doesn’t have a reason to to visit the site on a regular basis.
  3. Blogging is a powerful personal branding tool!  By having a blog, you can stand out from the crowd in your niche by providing content that is valuable to your target audience. Because of the content and knowledge you provide, you will be viewed as an authority in your chosen niche market.  By answering more questions within the market place, your status as a leader will continue to increase.  This is why it is critical that you post new content on a regular basis and optimize your content so that it is  easily found by the search engines.
  4. You have complete and total control over your blog.  You control everything about your blog – the look, the content, the hosting  –  absolutely EVERYTHING!  You can update your blog at your convenience. You can add or takeaway content at your discretion.  This type of freedom ix not typically found with a traditional website.

There Is No Excuse For Not Having A Blog

Having a blog provides a level of flexibility that is not typically found with a traditional website.  If you’re ready to make your presence known online by using a blog you can either Create Your Own Blog or use a pre-built, pre-optimized blogging system like the blogging platform offered by Empower Network.