Carl Willis

What is the best investment you can get into today?

What is the best investment you can get into today?

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I’m often asked:  “What is the best, highest paying, highest return that you can get into today?” So over the last few weeks, been a lot of news about GameStop and AMC Theaters and people investing on Robinhood and running up the price of that stock. Those stocks, actually, a lot of people talking about how to participate. Then here recently, Elon Musk hash tagged Bitcoin and he hash tagged . A lot of people began to run the price up on those things. Then news came out that Tesla had taken a big stake in Bitcoin and of course, the price running up. So what happens is a lot of people ask me, “What’s the best thing to be invested in now?” My background, I spent 12 years as a financial advisor dealing with the markets and managing people’s financial wellbeing and the markets. So a lot of people think I have expertise in that.

So where I want to get into today though is something that may surprise you. The best you can make at this moment that will pay you the greatest dividend, that will give you the highest return on your is the you make in yourself. If you will become a student of trends, of business, of money, of markets, you will be able to do things that most people cannot do. Let me give you an example of this. I recently formed a partnership company with two business associates of mine and we purchased some real estate in that company. The way we structured the company is the company is owned by two other companies.

So earlier this week, I had to go set up the checking account for the new entity. It was interesting watching the confusion in the minds of the bank customer service rep, the bank manager. In fact, the bank manager was trying to structure the checking account in a way that was an absolute disaster and I kept having to correct them on how to structure that regularly. Now, no slam to either one of them. They simply have not been educated to think at a level beyond where they’re at today. So this is what I mean by investing in yourself. I am doing things that most people would not understand how to do or even understand why to do it because I’m constantly investing in myself. Yesterday, I spent 15 minutes on the phone with my accountant discussing yet another business structure for another project that I’m working on and was asking questions. How does this affect the taxation? How does this affect if there’s a buyout eventually? What’s appropriate financially for this structure.

This is part of the education process. I spend a lot of time reading. In fact, I don’t listen to music in my car. I constantly listen to books. Right now, I’m listening to Sam Walton’s autobiography. In recent days, I’ve listened to the memoirs of former presidents. I’ve listened to books on world history. I’ve listened to books on faith, in particular, the four concepts of love that are espoused in the Greek language. You may go, “Well, that’s kind of boring.” No, it’s really not. It expands what I’m able to discuss. It expands my field of knowledge and it allows me to accomplish things that in the past, I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish. In fact, going back to the banking issue, I was a bank manager from 1997 up through 2001. I thought I knew a lot about financial matters, about business matters. But what I knew was only to the degree of my capacity, only to the degree of my personal learning.

When I left that environment, I went into the financial advisory world and I became very knowledgeable on the stock market, the bond market, mutual funds, annuities, insurance. So I began to expand my knowledge a little more, but I also realized that many of my clients were wealthy and they were wealthy, not because of those things. So I had to become a student of, how did those individuals create wealth? That brought into business structures, alternative investments, things like that. So here’s the best, greatest, highest paying biggest return investment you can make today. You can make it any day. It doesn’t matter what the markets are doing. Become a student of the things that you really want to take control of. So if you want to learn about creating wealth, become a student of wealth. Become a student of money and financial markets and how currency works. Become a student of digital currency and how those things work. Become a student of the trends. Become a student of his history.

Those things will help you in making the wise decisions of knowing when it’s a good time to do something and when it’s a bad time to do something. One of the things you want to be careful of is not getting caught up in the emotion and the hype of the moment. What you find is if you will stick to things that are timeless principles, if you will stick to things that are proven themselves over and over again and become a student of those things, you’re going to have a much better result in everything you put your hand to, whether that’s a business, whether that’s investing in the markets, investing in real estate, whether that’s sales, whether that’s negotiation. Become a student of those things, invest in yourself and the returns will be far and above anything you can imagine.

Now, if you’d like to learn more about some of these other things, I want to invite you to the Total Transformation Summit March 5th and 6th in Wichita, Kansas. You can register online at For two days, I’m going to teach you some deeper skillsets. I’m going to teach you some things that nobody’s ever taught you in a college classroom, that nobody taught you in high school and they’ve probably never taught you on your job. So it will give you some leverage points to really go to a much greater place in your own personal development and in the things that you put your hands to. Anyway, hope you have an amazing weekend. Stay warm. If it’s like where I’m at, it’s going to be super cold. I’ll talk to you again soon.