Carl Willis

Before Changing Your Network Marketing Company

Before Changing Your Network Marketing Company

It is not uncommon in this industry to see a person jump from one network marketing company to another.   Although some of these moves are for prudent reasons, most often it is simply a person looking for greener pastures.   Before you make that jump, I would like you to spend some time evaluating the you are considering and the real motivations behind it.

Good Reasons For Changing Network Marketing Companies

In reality there are only a few really sound reasons for a in network marketing companies.   These would include things like unethical business practices, financial instability, high leadership turnover and poor customer service or distributor support.   For these types of issues a move makes good business .  These are the types of things that could harm not only your business, but also your reputation.

In reality the reasons most people make a business have nothing to do with any of these issues.   More often than not the underlying reasons for a move are based in issues of mindset and training.   I meet new distributors on a regular basis who are ready to quit when they haven’t made any money in their first two weeks of being in business.   I meet others who are ready to quit when they realize that this business will take a concentrated effort over an extended period of time, not just a one week effort of an hour per day.  Almost everyone of these individuals say the same thing:  “….just isn’t working for me.”

Let me be very candid with you.   If you have entered your business with anything less than the commitment to treat it like a business, then you need to save yourself some frustration and get out now.   A hobbyist mindset has never created profitability in this business or any other.   If you are considering a change of network marketing company, but have not treated your current opportunity like a business, changing companies is not going to change your outcomes.   You need to address your underlying perspective on what a network marketing business really is.

The next issue that you need to evaluate is training.  This can be both a mindset and an issue of practicality.  I find that many of those who are struggling in network marketing are simply unteachable and unmotivated.   They will complain until they are blue in the face about how the business is not working for them, yet they never seek out training that could radically change their outcomes.   Instead they spend their time looking for a magic bullet or easy button that will transform their business overnight.   For example, I offer training opportunities to a large number of network marketers each and every week.   I find that only about 15% of those I invite take advantage of those opportunities…yet they continue to struggle.   Those figures are astonishing enough, but even more alarming is the fact that only about 5% of those that attend those trainings will actually make the effort to apply what was given to them.

The foundation for your success in any network marketing opportunity will always  be rooted in your commitment, mindset and application of sound business practices.   If you are unwilling to make long term commitments to your business, then a change of company won’t help.   If you are unwilling to treat your business like a business, a change of company will still yield the same results.   If you are unwilling to develop your skills and apply what you learn, your business will still falter, no matter what company you are involved with.

There are times when a change of network marketing company makes

There are times when a change of network marketing company makes sense, but make sure your foundations are solid and your motivations are sound.