Carl Willis

Remembering The Give Back of Your Network Marketing Business

Remembering The Give Back of Your Business

Many people enter their business with dreams of sandy beaches, fancy cars and flowing cash.   While those things may be great for initial motivation, they lack something deeply motivating and that is purpose.   In my own life, it is my motivating purpose that drives me to push forward with my business.  The toys, trips and other amenities are secondary.

The Grand Vision of Your Business

I entered the world of network marketing with a larger vision than myself and it is the vision that I constantly refer back to, when assessing my progress.  Today I thought I would share my own business vision with you, so that you can get to know me better.   I hope by reading these words, you will begin to think in terms of not what you can get from this world, but more importantly the contribution you can make to it.

For nearly 10 years my primary work was turning around troubled churches.  I would go to churches where the people couldn’t get along, the leadership had fallen apart, or any other number of fatal issues.   I would then work on taking those churches back to the basics for their existence and nurse them back to health.   Over the years I had noticed many consistent themes in the troubles these churches were having and I had made some mental notes.   About 5 years ago I began working with churches in India and I noticed each time I would travel there, just how effective those churches were at making a difference in people’s lives and again I made some mental notes.  In the fall of 2008, I found myself presented with the opportunity to start something new and the entrepreneur in me couldn’t help but take the leap.  In November of 2008 I began the Simplicity Church Network.  My plants churches that use a very simple model of operation.  One of the unique features of what we do is the requirement that all of our ministers and church planters be self-supporting through an outside profession or other means, so that there are no personnel expenses in our church operations.  This is what initially led me to network marketing.

I’m going to be honest, I never really had a desire to be involved in network marketing, because I had suffered friend abuse in the past 20 years as “old friends” would out of the blue contact me about this business opportunity they knew I just had to see.   Needless to say I was repulsed and of all of the businesses I’ve started in my life, network marketing was never a part of that picture.   Ultimately there were a couple of key considerations that drew me to network marketing at this point in my life.

  • I could create a funding mechanism for my church planting that could be deployed anywhere
  • I could create a way for a pastor to leave a staff position on a church and become self-supporting.
  • A network marketing business is built on relationships, just like a new church start
  • I could help people start over again by teaching them a skill set and giving them a business, without incurring the expenses of taxes, unemployment, workman’s comp, etc….
  • I could work my business online from anywhere in the world, since I travel overseas on a regular basis for periods of 2-3 weeks at a time.
  • I could own my time.  If I needed to spend a day focused entirely on ministry, I would not be hindered.

These are the overriding purpose reasons that brought me into the business and keep me there.   To show you how this has played out.   Since November of 2008, I have made 3 overseas trips for a total of nearly 7 weeks to start new churches, new ministry training schools and lead pastors conferences.   I work with homeless, transient and broken people in Corpus Christi on a daily basis through our local ministry here, which offers ministry seven days a week.   I regularly substitute teach at my children’s schools and have gotten to know many of the teachers and parents.   I also help other ministers with their ministries on a regular basis.  I am also readily available to spend time with my children and my wife.

In fact, the freedom with my time has been much more valuable than any check I will ever earn in my business.   It is my ability to invest my life in lasting things that makes this entire network marketing business worth while.

I hope that you will begin to see the greater picture of your business and its purpose beyond the mere making of money.