Carl Willis

Is A Network Marketing Internet Business Right For You?

A internet business makes perfect sense.  Using a business model that is built on personal relationships and deploying it in the largest marketplace on the face of the earth.   Seems simple enough doesn’t it?  Truly the potential of a business harnessed to the internet is mind boggling to say the least; however, this is not as simple as putting up a web page and having millions of customers beating a path to your door.

There are some critical elements that need to be taken into consideration if you are going to be successful in your online MLM business.   By taking the time to implement these steps, you will enjoy long term success in your business endeavors.   As with any business that you are building, a strong foundation is non-negotiable.

The first element that needs to be in place is a system for personal branding.  At the very least this should include a personalized domain name , which will become the “street address” of your business.   This name should be carefully chosen for uniqueness and personal branding ability.   The most successful domain naming choices tend to be either your actual name or a name that describes your niche or target market.   The second element of your personal branding efforts should be social media accounts.  At the very least you should be active in Facebook.  I would recommend branching beyond Facebook to also include Twitter and LinkedIn.   Fortunately today, there are many great tools that will allow you to stream line your efforts.   The power of your time spent in cannot be understated.  Social media is the place where people get to know you as a person.  It is the place that you connect with those who share common interests and pursuits.   Social media is truly the backbone of your relationship building process.  The last element of personal branding is a network marketing blog.  Your blog is the place where you share content that is valuable to your target audience.  By taking the time to create this content you will become a trusted adviser for your audience and will naturally have influence over their thinking.

The second piece off your online network marketing business is a lead capture and communication system.  This is best done through the use of email autoresponders .   An autoresponder creates a lead capture form that can easily be added to your blog or a web page that is set up exclusively for the lead capture process.   Once an individual enters their name and contact information into the autoresponder they have now become a part of your marketing list.  You will want to set up your autoresponder with a series of pre-written emails that are sent at pre-determined intervals.  These emails are a key component of your relationship building process.  They are also the place in which you will begin to introduce your products, services and even your network marketing business opportunity.

Finally you need to have a system in place that will allow you to efficiently train new MLM distributors in your network marketing opportunity.   This system will most likely comprise of regular emails sent through your autoresponder and video training segments that can be readily viewed by any member of your team.   It is imperative that you have such a system in place, because the wide geographic possibilities that come with building an MLM team online.

As you can see there are several key components that need to be established if you are to be successful in your online pursuits.  Fortunately there are proven MLM systems already in place that are customizable to your particular business.  If you will take the time to establish a solid foundation, you should have no difficulty in building a dynamic network marketing internet business.