Carl Willis

The Importance of Focus In Your Network Marketing Business

Perhaps you have a friend or online acquaintance who seems to have a serious case of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) when it comes to their network marketing business.  You know who I am talking about…your flavor of the week friend.   Every few months they declare they have found the one.  Their new business is ten times better than the other businesses they had been involved in.  They are so certain of their forthcoming success that they can’t wait to tell the world.  Unfortunately their friends and family have already heard this song, it is simply a different verse.

One of the things missing with most network marketers is focus.  We all understand the power of focus.  A forty watt light bulb will light a room, while a highly concentrated beam of light will cut through steel.   In a home business, focus is equally as important.   There are three areas of focus that I believe are critical for anyone who intends to succeed in the world of network marketing.

The first item is focusing on one particular company.  Choose the company that makes the most sense for your long term plans and goals.  As part of this selection process take the time to review the product, leadership and compensation plan.   You also want to choose a company that can best fill the needs of your target audience.  Once you have made your choice, stick with it.   Barring major corporate upheaval or ethical misconduct, stay with the company you have selected.   Concentrate all of your efforts into building your business with that company.  Learn their products inside and out.   Become a student of their top producers.  Become an expert in their marketing systems.   Don’t stop these concentrated efforts until you have reached the top of their success ladder or you are buried six feet under.

The next item for focus is your marketing strategy.   In the world of marketing, being a jack of all trades and master of none is not an asset, but is instead a great liability.   Branding in the market place comes from consistency.  Consistency is made up of repetition over time.   If you are constantly bouncing from one marketing strategy to another, you are not sending a consistent message into the marketplace.  You are in fact promoting yourself, unintentionally I might add, as here today and gone tomorrow.  Not a good message to be sending when you are trying to build a long term, residual income business.   When choosing your marketing strategy, look for what best suits you and your personality, schedule and budget.   Select one or two strategies that mesh with those criteria and stick with them.

The final item of focus pertains to your recruiting and development.  Your communication with your needs to be regular and ongoing.   Haphazard communication does not instill confidence in your abilities as a leader.  If you are not consistent in building your members and adding value to their lives, they will simply find another leader to follow.  Remember there is always somebody ready to step in and take your team from you, if you are not focused on developing them yourself.

By sharpening the focus of your network marketing business, you are setting a proper course towards success.