Carl Willis

Presenting Network Marketing Opportunities

Effective of network marketing opportunities begins with an understanding of your prospects.   We all realize that people do not come in cookie cutter packages.  In their individual uniqueness, people also respond differently to presentations.   Unfortunately, most network marketers only know one way of presenting their network marketing .   If they were trained to use a white board and draw circles, then that is the only thing they present.  On the other hand a person who only knows how to hand out DVDs and CDs finds themselves lost if they have to make a with a legal pad and pen.   Today I hope you’ll consider broadening your horizons when it comes to the presentation of your primary business.

The most successful marketers recognize the need to be skilled with a variety of presentation methods.  Mastering these methods allow them to connect at a much deeper level with a much broader audience.

The first group of prospects I want to talk about are those that need something they can hold in their hand.  Every network marketing company offers brochures, fliers or catalogs of some sort.  When this type of prospect gets your materials in their hand, they feel connected.  They appreciate this type of material, because they can flip pages back and forth, skim with their finger or hand it to their spouse for review.   This method should not be limited to offline MLM prospecting.  I would encourage even the most die hard online marketer to send out printed materials to their leads, in an effort to connect with those who “never buy anything” online or through email.  Using a promotional DVD can also work well with this type of prospect.

The next group of prospects are those who respond through email.  It is this group that makes your email autoresponder a non-negotiable item in your business.  This group develops a connection with you because of the regular emails they are receiving from you.  This ongoing connection fosters trust and an openness to the suggestions you are making.  A great way of presenting network marketing opportunities to this group is through the use of the “ps” in your email.  This presents the opportunity in a non-threatening way, allowing the prospect to feel as though they are in control.   Another alternative to this tactic is to send an email giving them a special invitation to review the business opportunity that has been so profitable for you.  You can then direct your prospects to an online webinar or video presentation.

Another group of prospects are those who need to feel a personal touch.  For this group a phone call is invaluable.  Anytime a lead provides you with a phone number it is always a good idea to make contact with that person.  The warm voice on the other end, is much more meaningful to this type of person.  This type of person is reflective of much of the population in the fact that they prefer to do business with someone with whom they are acquainted.  During your phone call you can determine if this prospect would do better with written material, a DVD or a website video presentation.

When possible utilizing all three techniques with each of your prospects will be highly effective.  Not only will you target the different personality types, but you will also be reinforcing your opportunity message through a variety of methods.

When it comes to presenting network marketing opportunities, the best strategy to use is a combination of all of them.