Carl Willis

Learning To Take Responsibility For Your Network Marketing Business

Learning To Take For Your Network Marketing Business

The for the success or failure of your network marketing business rests squarely on your shoulders.  I find it interesting how many people I’ve met over the years who have “tried” network marketing, but it “didn’t work” for them.  In most of those conversations the finger ultimately gets pointed at the company they were representing and very little personal is taken.

There are many reasons for this viewpoint, but the most predominant is the employee mentality that most grow up with.  From our early days in school we are conditioned to take instruction from others and perform the tasks that they assign to us.  This carries over into our careers where we are assigned projects and completion dates by our superiors. We become accustomed to having a chain of command and only being responsible for our area of responsibility.

Your Network Marketing Business Requires a New Way of Thinking

When you begin your network marketing business, you are entering a new realm of operation that requires a shift in mindset.  You are now transitioning from the world of the employee to the world of the business owner.  As a business owner, the success or failure of your entire business rests in your hand.  There is no one who is going to tell you what you to do or set deadlines for when you need to do it.  Ultimately the decisions of direction, task and timeframe are yours to decide.  Unlike the role you have had as an employee there are no structures in place to ensure that you are getting your work done.   The basis of all that is accomplished in your business comes down to personal responsibility.

One of the greatest tools for developing personal responsibility is simply writing down the things that are critical to your business.   Write down the objectives of your business so that they can be seen and referred to often.  Write down the tasks that need to be accomplished to reach that business objective.   Write out an action plan that articulates how you are going to accomplish the tasks that you have defined.  Write out the time frame in which those tasks are to be completed.   By putting these things in writing, you are developing an structure for yourself.   Each day you will review your activities to determine if you have accomplished the tasks that needed to be done in the time allotted for their completion.

Being Accountable For Your Network Marketing Business

I would encourage you to take this a step further and hold yourself accountable to a peer or mentor.  Give them your written objectives, action plan and time frame.  Ask them to question you about your adherance to the these items and to give you feedback where they see you are straying off course.  By doing this you are less likely to compromise and you will have someone who can remind you of the motivating purpose for building your MLM business.  It is important to remember that even with accountability, you are still ultimately responsible for the direction, success or failure of your business.

Taking personal responsibility for your network marketing business is not always easy, but the rewards can be outstanding for those who take it seriously.