Carl Willis

Are You a Value Added Network Marketing Leader?

Are You a Added Network Marketing Leader?

What makes a great network marketing leader?  Is it their ability to sell their company’s products or present the income opportunity?  Is it the fact that they have a large downline organization?   While those things may be evidence of great leadership, these are not the things that make leaders great.  The real strength of a leader in network marketing is the that they consistently add to the lives of the people they interact with.

A Great Network Marketing Leader Inspires Others

added has become a somewhat over commercialized term.   When I hear added, I think of meals and super-sizing at a fast food restaurant.  In reality the concept behind adding value can be boiled down to this:  Getting more than what is required at no additional cost.   To put this in the framework of network marketing, a leader who adds value will go beyond sending out new product announcements and promoting the next rally, but they will instead provide the information and encouragement necessary to inspire their team to greater levels of achievement.

Becoming A Great Network Marketing Leader

In reality, becoming this type of leader requires you to give yourself away to your team and your prospects.  Instead of delivering a product presentation, you over deliver with information that is useful whether or not your product is purchased.   When giving an opportunity presentation, you over deliver with business building that is beneficial in any business.   While this may at first seem counter intuitive, it is important to remember that people are drawn to those who make them feel valuable.

This is the underlying fundamental principle of attraction marketing.  By bringing value to the marketplace, people are naturally drawn to you, because what you are offering is helpful and non-threatening.  When you make that person feel empowered or equipped, they return to hear what else you have to say.  As this cycle repeats itself over time, trust is formed and a natural desire to draw closer develops.  It is from this desire for closer association that the person recognizes that working with you is of greater value than trying to build their own business in an opportunity that offers them less support.

It is critical that everything you do be beneficial to your people.  If you bring them in with value, but ignore them on the backside you will end up losing credibility.  When you watch the top network marketing leaders in action, they spend very little time on products and company opportunities.  The majority of their time and effort is instead spent on personal development.  They are constantly providing techniques, tips and ideas to improve yourself while building a stronger business.  These leaders understand that first and foremost our business is a people business.   When you put people first, the product sales and team building come naturally.

Take a close look at what level of service you have been delivering to your team and ask yourself:  Am I a value added network marketing leader?  Look for ways that you can improve in over delivering to your people and watch your business grow.