Carl Willis

Knowing Your Target Market…Your Friends Will Thank You!!!

Knowing Your Target Market…Your Friends Will Thank You!!!


Like so many other network marketers, my early attempts at building a were dismal failures.  I realize in hindsight, that I didn’t really now any better.   The training (if I received any at all) was a big part of the problem.   The notion that everybody is a prospect has probably contributed to more failures in this business than any other factor.   Would you like to rapidly destroy your self-esteem and confidence?  Try using the 3-foot rule more than a few minutes.  The rejection will come quickly and in mass quantity.   If you are a strong, shakeable Type A personality, then this is no big deal; however, the average person who starts a does not fit that profile.

People Who Are Not Your Target Market

So if everybody you meet  is not a legitimate prospect for your MLM business, then who is?  Many network marketers have begun focusing on people looking for home-based businesses, but is this really the best approach?  In my experience, I have seen many people looking for a home based businesses consider network marketing to be less than respectable.  We’ve all heard the question: “Is this MLM?”   When you tell them it is, the conversation often times will come to a very abrupt end.   These people have a lot of reasons for their misgivings about an MLM business and in all honesty many of them valid, but that’s an entirely different topic for another blog post.

I also encounter a large number of people who are looking for business opportunities that don’t involve sales.  I find myself wanting to ask:  “You’re kidding right?”  Show me one business that survives without some form of selling.  Too many people believe have bought the false notion that there are lucrative businesses out there with “No selling involved!”  This mindset alone makes this type of persona a less than desirable candidate to be an ideal prospect for your .

Network Marketers Are The Greatest Target Market For Your Business

So are there any prospects who truly understand that network marketing is a business that requires real effort and commitment?  When so many network marketers have made their names list, done business presentations for their families and friends and, because they were taught to look for a way to weave their business opportunity into every conversation, have now found themselves not being invited to family gatherings and get togethers with friends.  When you couple that with the fact that over 95% of network marketers fail within three to four months of starting their business, the answer becomes glaringly obvious.  The target market for network marketers is fellow network marketers.

I’m not saying to persuade those in other companies to join your opportunity. More than likely, that would also end in frustration.   The reality is, there are a whole lot of people out there who believe in network marketing, but haven’t been given the proper support or training by their uplines.   They believe in the concept, but have yet to taste personal success, this is where you come in.

If you target these disillusioned, but highly motivated individuals, you’ll find a gold mine of committed, goal oriented people.  By teaching them solid, no nonsense marketing techniques, many are likely to succeed, which translates into more success for you.

So take the time to hone your skills and learn your craft.   Your ability to provide value to those who are searching will not only reveal a very hot target market , but many will be drawn to you, because you are helping them get further than anyone ever has before.