Carl Willis

5 Things Your Network Marketing Business Needs – Part 5

This is the final installment of my series:  5 Things Every Online Marketer Needs For Their Network Marketing Business.  In my previous post from this series, I discussed the need for a reproducible training platform.  Today I want to discuss the final element needed to promote your network marketing business online.

A natural presentation of your MLM business opportunity to your prospects.

I think it is best to introduce this concept, by describing what it is not.  Many MLM marketers use the “pray and ” method of promoting their MLM business opportunity online.  I’m sure you’ve seen the pray and , especially if you use Twitter or Facebook.   These are people who repeatedly make posts that sound like this:  “This is the best money making system on the planet.  Earn 7 figures in the next 12 months with our system….”

Now let’s dissect this approach.   First of all this marketer has not even established a relationship with the prospective .  They have not branded themselves in such a way that we as prospective buyers can make an informed decision as to their knowledge, expertise or character.

Although this approach may attract a few leads, more often than not it attracts program jumpers.  These are people who have not learned to effectively market themselves, and thus they are continually in search of “the one,”  the program that will change everything for them.

Presentation of your MLM business opportunity should be both natural and automatic.   It should simply be a natural part of an ongoing dialogue  that you are having with your .   A natural part of relationship building is to talk about your passions, interests and business pursuits.  This dialogue might look something like this:  “I was on a call with my Fuller Brush team the other night and we were discussing how to utilize Facebook as part of our overall marketing strategy….”

Now in this example, I am discussing information that would be of value to anyone who is reading, regardless of whether they are interested in my business opportunity.   At the same time I am discussing my MLM business opportunity, creating an interest in what I am doing.  In my ongoing dialogues I would want to “drip” snippets about my own work in my preferred network marketing companies.

Another automated and natural approach is through the use of signatures.   You can include your website address as part of your contact information in your emails, forum posts and blog posts. This is a natural and common approach utilized in the business world.  Again with each contact you are re-introducing your to your primary MLM business in natural, low-key way.

So you may be wondering, how do you get people to sign up?  When you utilize this type of approach, people’s curiosity is naturally raised.  Prospects will actually approach you wanting to know more.  If you have added value through the steps discussed in the first 4 posts, you will find people asking to join you in your businesses as well.

I hope you’ve found this series helpful in your business building efforts.