Carl Willis

The Power of Feedback

the power of feedback

I wanted to talk for a minute about the importance of collaboration, the value of collaboration. I’ve posted a verse here with this live video, Proverbs 12:15, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man is he who listens to counsel.”

What got me thinking about this this morning, I just got off of a Skype call with two of the other co-founders of a start-up company that we are working on together. What we’re doing in our weekly calls is we are fine-tuning the vision of this start-up company. We are brainstorming, and we are throwing out ideas, and then we are carving around on those ideas.

One of the thoughts that I love to put out there in front of people is, our ideas are like a balloon. We love our balloon. It’s ours, we blew it up, we put the effort into it. But one of the greatest things we can do with that balloon is toss it up in the air, and let others poke hole in it because they’re going to look at that balloon from their perspective, from their viewpoint, from their experiences, from their wisdom. So what comes out of that is a much better thought, a much better process, a much better product, or service, or idea.

So the time we take to collaborate with others always pays dividends because you’re getting a fresh set of eyes onto your idea, a fresh set of ears listening to your concepts. You’re getting good of, “You know, here’s something you may want to do a little differently. Here’s an adjustment you may want to make along the way.” I have found over the years this to be one of the most valuable things that I do. It’s an idea that was first introduced in Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich. That’s where most people got introduced to the idea of a collaboration or a . But the truth is, it’s a Biblical principle, and that’s why I went to Solomon’s wisdom from the Book of Proverbs.

Solomon understood the best plans are made with the counsel of others. So I want to encourage you today, whatever it is you’re working on, whether it’s that big dream, or a project, a new service, product, or idea, maybe it’s an adjustment in your life direction, bring some counselors into that process. If you’re not part of a formal group, get involved in one, or go to a retreat, or ask some others to with you to really figure out how to refine and fine-tune what it is you’re working on.

I hope you have an amazing day. I look forward to talking with you soon. As always, invite others to this group if there are others that you know would benefit from the content here and would benefit from some of the discussions that we can have here, then invite them to be a part of the group as well. Talk to you soon.