Carl Willis

Surrounding Yourself With the Right Team

surrounding yourself with the right team

I hope you were having an amazing day today. I want to cover the topic of surrounding yourself with the right team. I’ve alluded to Proverbs 11:14, “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” One of the things that is a temptation for business owners is to respond to the urgency of the moment and simply try to fill holes or spots on an organizational sheet because we need somebody filling that role. Often what happens is in the haste to fill that role, we end up filling that role with somebody who is not the right fit and we end up having to go searching for someone else. What I want to encourage us to do is to really put the about the concept of who needs to be on the team with you.

It’s so important to have the right people on the field with you at all times and oftentimes we’re better served to slow down a little bit. Take time to find the person who really shares our heart, shares our burdens, who shares our priorities, shares our values, because then we are of like-mind as we gather together as we think through the prospects of our business, as we think through the prospects of our life. And not only that, but we want those who will give us honest feedback, who value the direction that we’re heading, the dream that God has given us enough that they will also speak into your life with authenticity and honesty. When you find team members like that, they are an invaluable resource. You can put no dollar amount on that because of the value that they bring to your life.

And so I wanted to encourage you today, as you’re thinking about the things that God has put on your heart, also, be praying about who are the people that need to be in your team? Who are the people that need to be in your world to help further the dream that God has given you? What you’ll find, more often than not, is that people will begin to appear in your life and they are the right people at the right time. The key for you is to be clear on the direction you’re going, on your values, on your purpose, so that when those people appear in your life, it is immediately identifiable that they are a person who needs to be on the field with you as you pursue your dream.

So those are a few thoughts for you today. I hope you have a great day, and if you haven’t joined our private group, please do so. There is a post at the top of the page that will tell you how to do that or you can go to Talk to you again soon.