Carl Willis

A Mistake I Never Intended On Making

A Mistake I Never Intended On Making – I Forgot To Build A Network Marketing Community Along The Way It was such a nice day here in South Texas, that I decided to leave my computer behind and head out for a walk… …Along the way I pulled out my phone and recorded some thoughts […]

Signs A Network Marketing Business Is Not Right For You

Signs a Network Marketing Business is Not Right for You A network marketing business can be a great way to dive into the world of entrepreneurship, building an income while you learn the ins and outs of developing a profitable business.  Every year thousands of people take the plunge into the world of multi level […]

Returning to Your Network Marketing Dream

What was it that started you on this network marketing journey in the first place?   What was the motivation that caused you to say yes to the
opportunity?   Perhaps it was time with your family, elimination of debt, a nicer home or a philanthropic yearning deep within you. 

Step back with me for a moment to the place that you first said yes.  Replay the inner dialogue in your mind once again.  What was the crystal clear image you …

It’s All About Building Relationships

Contrary to popular belief, marketing is not the art of promoting products. Marketing in its purest form is the ability to build relationships. Relationships are not built instantaneously, but
instead are cultivated and nurtured over time.

Every successful marketer has had that “aha” moment when they realized that the only product that matters is “you.”  When “you” become a trusted resource in the life of someone else, they will
allow “you” to make recommendations. Since “you” have proven reliable and trustworthy throughout the relationship, those individuals find confidence in acting upon “your” …