Carl Willis

Keep Scattering Your Seeds Continually

keep sowing your seeds continually

This morning as I was doing my Bible study time, I was in the book of Matthew and I was giving in to the of the sower and the seeds. And you’ll remember in that some seed fell in the hard ground. So fell in the shallow ground. Some fell into the fertile ground. The thing that we want to get into here is this idea of sowing the seed. And a business person you of things you have to do, is you have to be constantly sowing the seed.

Some people are receptive to the things you have. Some people are sort of receptive. They seem receptive but in the long run they’re not a good fit or they don’t end up following through. Then you have some that just simply don’t really want to be a part of whatever it is you’re doing. Now the reason I say this is, what you’ll find in business is about 20% of your efforts are going to produce 80% of your results. It’s called the Pareto Principle and it applies to many things in life.

But the same is true in the life of a business person, in the life of your , in the life of a lot of things. So in my marketing company, about 20% of what we put out there is what produces abour 80% of the results. Out of my customers, my clientele, 20% of my clients produce 80% of my revenue. Now, here’s the thing that I really want you to lock into though. You can’t just sit still. You’ve always got to be moving forward.

In business we call it filling your pipeline. Who are the new prospects that I’m meeting with? Some are going to be my customers. Some aren’t. Some might take that business card or that information and never do anything with it. We’re going to have all sorts of people that we dealing with. The key is, we have to continue to present what we have. As a person of , someone who wants to share the seeds of , who wants to tell others about what God has done in my life.

Some are going to reject it. Some are going to grab hold of it for a little while but get distracted and move on to other things and then some are really going to take it to heart and produce great fruit. So the thing I want to encourage you in today, keep scattering the seeds. Keep sowing the seeds, whether those are business seeds, seeds of , seeds of love, seeds of kindness. Whatever seeds that you are scattering as you go about your day, continue to do that.

Be diligent with it. Don’t be discouraged. Remember that the greatest results are really going to come from the smallest margin of what is put out there. But if you don’t put things out there, there is no harvest to come. Remember we only reap what we sow. With those thoughts, have an amazing day and I’ll talk to you again soon.