Carl Willis

How Is Your Mental Game?

how is your mental game

So here’s a question for you today. How is your mental game? I was talking with a new client yesterday and we were going over the goals that he’s set out for his business and they’re very aggressive goals based on where he starting from and he asked me the question, do you think it’s […]

Using Failure to Grow

using failure to grow

Failure is one of the greatest teachers that you’re going to have in your journey as a business owner. There are going to be things that you try that don’t work, there are going to be relationships that go south, there are going to be times your cash flow gets crunched. But it’s in those […]

Taking Initiative to Produce Results

taking the initiative to produce results

Let’s talk today about taking initiative. So many people sit around waiting for things to happen, but those who truly want to live out the greater dreams that God’s put within them, have to learn to take action. Have to learn to take the initiative to begin putting things in motion. We realize that God […]

Gaining a Fresh Perspective

gaining a fresh perspective

Perspective, point of view, the lens through which you look at the world. These are things that often affect our decision making, these are the things that often take us in repeated patterns of behavior, both good and bad. One of the things that is key is being able to look at circumstances, decisions, goals […]

Diversification of Your Revenue Streams

diversification of your revenue streams

Today, I want to talk to you about the topic of diversification. Before I do that, though, if you haven’t picked up the book, Internet Marketing for Small Business, be sure and pick that up at Anyway, what got me thinking about this topic today is I just came back from my monthly mastermind […]

Keep Scattering Your Seeds Continually

keep sowing your seeds continually

This morning as I was doing my Bible study time, I was in the book of Matthew and I was giving in to the of the sower and the seeds. And you’ll remember in that parable some seed fell in the hard ground. So fell in the shallow ground. Some fell into the fertile ground. […]

Do You Know Your Numbers?

do you know your numbers

I hope you’re having a great day, that here you are in the middle of the week, starting a new month, and that things are moving ahead at an amazing pace for you. One of the things that I do first of the month is I look over the numbers for the previous month. And […]

Who Is Speaking Into Your Life

who is speaking into your life

I want to challenge you a question, who are you allowing to speak into your life? What has me thinking about this today is on Wednesdays, one of the things that I do is I disciple a group of gap year students. These are young people between the ages of 18 and 21 or 22 […]

Who Is Your Ideal Customer

who is your ideal customer

The reason I want to record this video is all the strategies in the world that we teach in here are of no use to you if you’re not clear on who it is you’re trying to reach. Once you’re clear on who your target audience is, it’s much easier to select the right tool, […]

Advantages of a Network Marketing Business

Advantages of a Network Marketing Business

Introduction Network Marketing, or Multi-Level Marketing, is a hot button issue. While many have found success under this business model, it has also been regarded with much skepticism. Because of this, many people find themselves wary of starting or entering a network marketing business. If you find yourself unsure of whether network marketing is the […]