Carl Willis

Upping Your Game

upping your game

I hope you’ve had an amazing day. And today I wanted to talk about the need to up your game. And one of the things that I want you to consider is not waiting until the crisis arises to up your game, but up your game well in advance, so you can really handle anything that comes towards you.

Let me give you a real basic scenario of what this looks like. When I first started in business many years ago I operated as a sole proprietor, very simple business and I did my own taxes. Now a few years later as I added my ministry work, and a few other things to the mix, my taxes got a little more complicated, so I started hiring a tax preparer. And then when my taxes got really complicated when we had corporate entities involved and all sorts of partners, and all these types of different things, I hired an accountant, and not just an accountant to do my taxes, but a planning accountant to help me make decisions so that I don’t get bad surprises on tax day. This is part of what I mean by and not waiting until the point of crisis to do it.

A mentor of mine often says, “The higher the levels, the higher the devils.” And what he simply means is the greater you build your business, the larger you build it, the more capacity you build into it, the more exposure to risks and hazards you’re going to come into. So you need to be thinking about things like business liability insurance, errors and omissions insurance, having an attorney you can talk to, having an attorney to look over documents, having a good accountant, having resources to help guide you through the myriad of challenges that come about.

Those are just a few thoughts for you today. If you haven’t picked up my book, Internet Marketing For , be sure and do that. I’ll drop a link in the comments, and I’ll talk to you soon.