Carl Willis

What is the best investment you can get into today?

What is the best investment you can get into today?

[kad_youtube url=”” ] I’m often asked:  “What is the best, highest paying, highest return investment that you can get into today?” So over the last few weeks, been a lot of news about GameStop and AMC Theaters and people investing on Robinhood and running up the price of that stock. Those stocks, actually, a lot […]

Failure Is Part of the Process

failure is part of the process

Luke 22 verses 31 and 32 is one of the most insightful passages in Scripture when it comes to the topic of failure. Jesus tells Peter, “Peter, Satan has asked to sift you like wheat and I have prayed that your faith would fail not. When you’ve returned, strengthen your brothers. And when you step […]

Using Failure to Grow

using failure to grow

Failure is one of the greatest teachers that you’re going to have in your journey as a business owner. There are going to be things that you try that don’t work, there are going to be relationships that go south, there are going to be times your cash flow gets crunched. But it’s in those […]

Everything Gets Tested at Some Point

everything gets tested eventually

I hope you’re having an amazing day today, and I want to talk through the topic of when your faith is tested. So anything of value gets tested for its value, and the same is true in life. Anything that you’re doing that is going to be worth any amount of value is at some […]

Upping Your Game

upping your game

I hope you’ve had an amazing day. And today I wanted to talk about the need to up your game. And one of the things that I want you to consider is not waiting until the crisis arises to up your game, but up your game well in advance, so you can really handle anything […]

Surrounding Yourself With the Right Team

surrounding yourself with the right team

I hope you were having an amazing day today. I want to cover the topic of surrounding yourself with the right team. I’ve alluded to Proverbs 11:14, “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” One of the things that is a temptation for business owners […]

Appreciate the Struggle

appreciate the struggle

I wanted to share with you for a moment one of the insights, the ahas, something that I’ve known was there, but it was really brought home to me last week during my personal retreat. One of the things that I do and I’ll admit kind of haphazardly off and on, it’s not as consistent […]

How Bad Do You Want It?

how bad do you want it

So I just finished a Mastermind that I run here, in my hometown every month. One of the gentlemen in the Mastermind has been working on growing his business for the last few years. He had a financial advisory niche of the market. Due to some setbacks in his life, he’s finding himself having to […]

Nurturing Your Dream

nurturing your dream

Today I want to talk to you about nurturing your God dream. By the way, if you haven’t read my latest book, Desolate Places, you can pick that up at, if somebody would put that in the comments for me. What I want to get into today is nurturing the dream. The reason I’m […]

How Are You Giving Back?

how are you giving back?

It’s Wednesday, I hope you’re having an amazing day. It may not be morning where you’re at, could be evening, but whatever time of the day it is, I hope you’ve had an amazing day. One of the things I love about Wednesdays is Wednesdays is the day that I give back, so part of […]