Carl Willis

Failure Is Part of the Process

failure is part of the process

Luke 22 verses 31 and 32 is one of the most insightful passages in Scripture when it comes to the topic of failure. Jesus tells Peter, “Peter, Satan has asked to sift you like wheat and I have prayed that your faith would fail not. When you’ve returned, strengthen your brothers. And when you step […]

Taking Initiative to Produce Results

taking the initiative to produce results

Let’s talk today about taking initiative. So many people sit around waiting for things to happen, but those who truly want to live out the greater dreams that God’s put within them, have to learn to take action. Have to learn to take the initiative to begin putting things in motion. We realize that God […]

Keep Scattering Your Seeds Continually

keep sowing your seeds continually

This morning as I was doing my Bible study time, I was in the book of Matthew and I was giving in to the of the sower and the seeds. And you’ll remember in that parable some seed fell in the hard ground. So fell in the shallow ground. Some fell into the fertile ground. […]

Everything Gets Tested at Some Point

everything gets tested eventually

I hope you’re having an amazing day today, and I want to talk through the topic of when your faith is tested. So anything of value gets tested for its value, and the same is true in life. Anything that you’re doing that is going to be worth any amount of value is at some […]

Are You Focused on Becoming?

are you focused on becoming

Psalm 139 verses 23 and 24 say this. “Search me, O God, and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts, and see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Right now I’ve been going through a season of evaluation and gut checking, and allowing God […]

Appreciate the Struggle

appreciate the struggle

I wanted to share with you for a moment one of the insights, the ahas, something that I’ve known was there, but it was really brought home to me last week during my personal retreat. One of the things that I do and I’ll admit kind of haphazardly off and on, it’s not as consistent […]

Nurturing Your Dream

nurturing your dream

Today I want to talk to you about nurturing your God dream. By the way, if you haven’t read my latest book, Desolate Places, you can pick that up at, if somebody would put that in the comments for me. What I want to get into today is nurturing the dream. The reason I’m […]

The Antidote for Worry

the antidote for worry

Our Monday around here has been a little exciting and not necessarily in the best of ways. So as an entrepreneur, as a Christian, we understand that we need to seek first the kingdom of God in all things, and so Matthew 6:33, one of my favorite passages, Jesus talks through all these issues of […]

Christian Entrepreneur Series: Nicole S. Cooper

Carl Willis interviews Nicole S Cooper

I’ve known Nicole S. Cooper for a number of years, having first become acquainted with her through MLSP and later sharing the stage with her at Fight the Forces of Evil in Dallas, TX. Not only do Nicole and I share a common love for entrepreneurship, but we also share a very deep Christian faith. Recently, […]

How Church Pastors Can Cash-In Selling eBooks Online

How Church Pastors Can Cash-In Selling eBooks Online As thought leaders and spiritual teachers, pastors take their content and cash in on selling eBooks online. Writing eBooks can be a great way to expand a ministry while increasing revenue for the church. A big part of ministry is creating content in the form of sermons […]