Carl Willis

Failure Is Part of the Process

failure is part of the process

Luke 22 verses 31 and 32 is one of the most insightful passages in Scripture when it comes to the topic of failure. Jesus tells Peter, “Peter, Satan has asked to sift you like wheat and I have prayed that your faith would fail not. When you’ve returned, strengthen your brothers. And when you step […]

How Is Your Mental Game?

how is your mental game

So here’s a question for you today. How is your mental game? I was talking with a new client yesterday and we were going over the goals that he’s set out for his business and they’re very aggressive goals based on where he starting from and he asked me the question, do you think it’s […]

Moving Beyond Your Limitations

moving beyond your limitations

 I hope your week is off to a great start. By the way, if you haven’t gotten my latest book, Desolate Places, you can pick that up at Today, I want to talk about a story from Mark chapter six. It’s also in the other gospels. It is the feeding of the 5,000. […]

Everything Gets Tested at Some Point

everything gets tested eventually

I hope you’re having an amazing day today, and I want to talk through the topic of when your faith is tested. So anything of value gets tested for its value, and the same is true in life. Anything that you’re doing that is going to be worth any amount of value is at some […]

Are You Focused on Becoming?

are you focused on becoming

Psalm 139 verses 23 and 24 say this. “Search me, O God, and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts, and see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Right now I’ve been going through a season of evaluation and gut checking, and allowing God […]

Appreciate the Struggle

appreciate the struggle

I wanted to share with you for a moment one of the insights, the ahas, something that I’ve known was there, but it was really brought home to me last week during my personal retreat. One of the things that I do and I’ll admit kind of haphazardly off and on, it’s not as consistent […]

Are You Afraid to Ask For Money?

afraid to ask for money

Asking for money is one of the core conversations of any business.  Unfortunately too many entrepreneurs are afraid to ask for money, because of bad programs they have been given throughout their lifetime.  This bad programming leads to a lack of confidence when asking for the sale and an urge to discount services without ever […]

Are You a Quitter? (Warning: Tough Love Ahead)

“Quitters never win and winners never quit…” That was a saying I learned when I was a kid.  It was a incentive to always keep going. Interestingly enough… Nearly 90% of the people I have seen start a business have quit! Even more alarming…. The majority have quit within 30 days. (hardly enough time to […]

Name Your Price

Name Your Price [youtuber youtube=’′] “I think you need to raise your price…” This was the conversation I had with a friend of mine today. She is in the process of re-branding her computer and internet training service. I had seen her many times give away too much of her knowledge for free or very […]

Does Your “Why” Make You Cry?

Does Your “Why” Make You Cry? [youtuber youtube=’’] At some point every entrepreneur realizes that simply making money is not enough. We recognize the need to make a larger difference in our world. Our quest becomes one of leaving a legacy that outlives us. For me, my “why” is the equipping and support of people […]