Carl Willis

Why Christian Entrepreneurs Are Needed In The Marketplace

why Christian entrepreneurs are needed in the marketplace

The world marketplace needs more of Christian entrepreneurs today than ever before. The global trending economic problems created by the prevailing pandemic and other existing challenges, have shown that the business and corporate world actually need divine intervention. More Christian entrepreneurs are need to come and rescue the situation, if we want to see positive […]

Who Is Your Ideal Customer

who is your ideal customer

The reason I want to record this video is all the strategies in the world that we teach in here are of no use to you if you’re not clear on who it is you’re trying to reach. Once you’re clear on who your target audience is, it’s much easier to select the right tool, […]

Upping Your Game

upping your game

I hope you’ve had an amazing day. And today I wanted to talk about the need to up your game. And one of the things that I want you to consider is not waiting until the crisis arises to up your game, but up your game well in advance, so you can really handle anything […]

Stop the Agony of Ineffective Marketing Now

Carl Willis and Julie Dubuc webinar

Recently Julie Dubuc from JBN Global Solutions, LLC joined me to discuss a common challenge faced by many small business owners… ineffective marketing. In this webinar we discussed how to identify your most profitable prospective customer and how to deploy a marketing system that engages your prospect with multiple touches.

5 Great Businesses You Can Start from Home

businesses you can start from home

There are tons of options for you to consider if you want to work for yourself, and there are many great businesses you can start from home. There are tons of ways that you can enjoy working from home too, while gaining the freedom that you want to spend more time with your family. Working […]

Business Opportunities from Home You Won’t Believe Exist!

business opportunities from home you won't believe exist

If you’ve been considering working from home, you may have found yourself combing through a very long list of business opportunities from home. There are tons….to say the least. They won’t all be right for you, so it’s important that you sit down and make a list beforehand of your skills, interests, and things that […]

Are You a Quitter? (Warning: Tough Love Ahead)

“Quitters never win and winners never quit…” That was a saying I learned when I was a kid.  It was a incentive to always keep going. Interestingly enough… Nearly 90% of the people I have seen start a business have quit! Even more alarming…. The majority have quit within 30 days. (hardly enough time to […]