Carl Willis

Autopilot Income – Can You Really Produce Income On Autopilot?

Autopilot Income – Can You Really Produce Income On Autopilot? Autopilot income is for many that elusive life long quest, much like the search for the Ark Of The Covenant or The Holy Grail.   While there is great certainty that this type of income exists, so few ever seem to really experience it.   In the […]

What 22 Years of Marriage Has Taught Me About Network Marketing

Today my wife and I are celebrating our 22nd wedding anniversary and I’m happy to report that my wife has chosen to renew my contract :-D.   In all reality the thing that has allowed us to enjoy such a beautiful long lasting relationship is our commitment.  Interestingly enough, commitment is the greatest determinant to […]

Are You a Value Added Network Marketing Leader?

What makes a great network marketing leader?  Is it their ability to sell their company’s products or present the income opportunity?  Is it the fact
that they have a large downline organization?   While those things may be evidence of great leadership, these are not the things that make leaders great. The real strength of a leader
in network marketing is the value that they consistently add to the lives of the people they interact with.

Remembering the Real “Business” of the Network Marketing Business

With so many network marketing companies and their products bombarding the marketplace it is easy to forget the real “business” of the network marketing business.  At its core foundation, the
network marketing business has always been about helping others achieve their dreams.  In reality the juices, vitamins, make-up or other products and the network marketing companies that promote
them are simply the vehicle for moving towards the dream of the individual.

True network marketing involves opportunity; however, we have grossly misinterpreted the concept of opportunity over the years. Opportunity is not the latest …