Carl Willis

How Are You Giving Back?

how are you giving back?

It’s Wednesday, I hope you’re having an amazing day. It may not be morning where you’re at, could be evening, but whatever time of the day it is, I hope you’ve had an amazing day. One of the things I love about Wednesdays is Wednesdays is the day that I give back, so part of […]

6 Easy Ways Pastors Can Earn Extra Money by Selling Online

6 easy ways pastors can earn extra money by selling online

6 Easy Ways Pastors Can Earn Extra Money by Selling Online Description: It’s not always easy finding additional ways to earn money outside your current pastoral duties. Here are six easy ways pastors and other church leaders can earn money by taking the talents and expertise they already have and monetizing them. There are a […]

Hello From Kansas!

Over the past two weeks, I have been relocating my family and ministry from the Texas coast to my hometown of Wichita, KS.  Just because I was on the move, didn’t mean my business had to come to a standstill.   Learning how to network is a key to keeping your business moving forward every […]

Remembering The Give Back of Your Network Marketing Business

Many people enter their network marketing business with dreams of sandy beaches, fancy cars and flowing cash. While those things may be great for initial
motivation, they lack something deeply motivating and that is purpose. In my own life, it is my motivating purpose that drives me to push forward with my business. The toys, trips and other
amenities are secondary.

I entered the world of network marketing with a larger vision …