Carl Willis

MLM Network Marketing Training – Equipping Your Downline to Succeed

To quote a scene from Hamlet:

“Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a of troubles,
And by opposing end them.”

– William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act III, Scene i (58-90)

Hamlet was not referring to network marketing, but these words carry great application. Nearly every network marketer has endured the “slings and arrows” of their detractors.  These are all too often the friends and relatives that, with good intentions, stand in the way of those entrepreneurs seeking to make an “outrageous fortune!” In time, network marketers can put on the of their past achievements, and therefore become less vulnerable to negative external influences. A new distributor, on the other hand, is not battle hardened, and that “ of troubles” can act as a deterrent to their achieving their true potential.

To prevent inury, the knights of old do to prevent an injury armed themselves. Because of the weight of their , they needed a squire to help with their battle preparations. This same principle applies to your new distributors. Even though their is less cumbersome than that of the knights, they still rely on your help to arm themselves for success.

So what does it mean to “arm for success?”

When a new distributor joins your downline, they are entering into an environment that resilience. There are many “slings and arrows” that can decimate their chances for success.  Leaving behind a wake of doubt, disbelief and failure.

As author Robert T. Kiyosaki points out, most people in this world are afraid to experience success. They are held back by negative thinking, and therefore they suffer the pain of mediocrity. They are not armed for success, but instead are more focused on security and survival.

Teach your distributors to avoid negative thinking and the pitfalls that come with network marketing business. Help them to understand why so many have negative perceptions about network marketing and the opportunity for success that it can bring.  In all honesty, there are people out there that do not want your distributors to become successful.  The lack of success in their lives causes them to desire failure for those around them as well.

Leadership is all about help others live to their optimum potential. If you are going to succeed in network marketing, you need to give your downline the tools to defend themselves against people who will try to steal their dreams, by convincing them their business will not work.  Let your downline see that you want them to be succeed. Teach them the principles that successful network marketers have utilized to obtain their success.  Show them how to live out those mindsets, disciplines, and consistent actions. Remind your distributors that they are in charge of their lives. Equip them with the empowerment of positive thought processes so they don’t allow the negativity of others to shape their lives.