Carl Willis

Finding Your Groove Again

finding your groove Again

For some time I have been in a rhythm with my business.  I had found my productive groove and my routine was somewhat on autopilot.   Two weeks ago that rhythm was shattered by the death of my dad.   Not only was there the departure from my business building activities for funeral preparations and the immediate needs, but there is also the new ongoing responsibilities of caring for my mother.

Over the past few days as I have been getting back to work, I find that my rhythm is off.   Time that had been available to me for business is now needing me to split my focus to family affairs as well.   So the question becomes:  “how do you find your groove again?”

At Some Point Your Rhythm Will Get Interrupted

For me it was the death of my father, for you it may be a natural disaster, birth of child or even getting married.   The reality of life is that you will at some point face a life altering circumstance that will interrupt the patterns you have established for yourself.   The ability to find your groove again is critical if you are going to move forward and not backward.

Getting In To Your Groove Once Again

For me the starting point has simply been the decision to re-engage.   As a home based entrepreneur, I don’t have a boss that tells me when I need to show up to work.  There are no project deadlines looming over my head.  It would be easy to justify reasons why I shouldn’t be re-engaging my business.   There are family affairs to take care of.   There are still emotional wounds that need to heal.  The list could literally be endless.

This is a critical point.  If I begin making those justifications, I open the door to apathy.   Once that door is open, it is a slippery slope to complete wipe out.

So how do you re-engage?

For starters, you simply begin to operate within the framework you had already put in place.   For me that means that I return to creating content daily, engaging my social media audience, mailing my marketing list and running my paid advertising campaigns.  This is the framework that was driving my business before October 31st and it is the same framework that will drive my business for years to come.

The second key to again deals with the input into your life.   This begins with surrounding yourself with the peers and mentors who will inspire and challenge you.   This can be done through attending live events like company meetings or meetup groups.  This can also be accomplished by interacting with those same individuals through your social networking activities.   Some of my greatest encouragement to get back into the swing of things has come from my fellow marketers and team members.   Without their encouragement it would have been much too easy to let my business drift for a while.   Finally it is the decision to begin filling your mind with the proactive thoughts that are necessary for success.  By taking the time to read each day and listen to personal development audios, my mind has begun to shift back from the events of October 31st to the dreams I was already working on.

So much of again deals with what is going on between your ears.   Take the time to develop the resources that will help you find your rhythm again when life throws you a curve.