Carl Willis

Achieving Success In Network Marketing Begins With Commitment

We hear stories all the time of top income earners who are achieving success in .  Yet at the same time we hear statistics that tell us that approximately 97% of the people involved in network marketing make less than $100 per month.  Even more staggering is the finding that the average person remains actively involved in their for less than 90 days.   So what makes the difference?   Why do some fly high and others come crashing down with a great big thud?

The answer to that question is found in the word commitment.  When you boil it down to its core, the difference is the level of commitment that is displayed by one group as opposed to the other.  Sadly, many people enter the world of multi level marketing with a “weekend hobby” mindset.   They are hoping that devoting a few hours and talking to a few friends is going to make them an instant multi-millionaire.   Nothing could be further from the truth.  Network marketing is indeed a business, and must be treated accordingly.  Many people enter the , because a friend is excited and the idea of starting a business for very little money sounds appealing.  The low initial monetary investment often brings about a shallow emotional commitment as well.

There are some key commitments that a network marketer needs to make if they are to enjoy any measure of success in their business.   The first commitment is a commitment to not quit under any circumstance until their goals are reached.   This means that the individual must make a conscious decision to push forward even when people say no.  They must push forward even when sales are in decline.   They must push forward even when people greet them with sarcasm and negativity.   This commitment can not be influenced by the clock or calendar.  It is only influenced by the realization of the dream.  The fuel for commitment is inspiration.  It is imperative that the individual have a dream that is large enough to keep them moving forward under any circumstance.   If you are able to walk away from your dream, then it simply is not big enough to motivate you to success.

The next commitment that needs to be made is to the building of the business.  A network marketer should have measurable, obtainable goals for each and every day that contribute to product sales and the building of the business.   For example your efforts may include a commitment to write one new blog entry each day.  That commitment needs to become non-negotiable, and there should even be time blocked off on the calendar specifically for this activity.   By making a commitment to these activities, they become a priority in the network marketer’s business and are less likely to be neglected.  A business owner realizes that making a commitment and following through on these measurable activities brings them that much closer to their ultimate goals.

The final commitment is in the area of personal development.  A network marketing team will rarely go beyond the level of their leader.  The way to improve the overall productivity of your team is to increase your own capabilities.   This could include such things as a commitment to attend one seminar or webinar per month.  It might also include reading at least one book per month on business, success or leadership.   These commitments will not only enlarge you as a person, but they will make you more valuable to the members of your team as well.

If you are serious about achieving success in network marketing, start by making these key commitments today.